Monday, 30 April 2012

Milly Goes Potty....

In Milly's last post she mentioned that her and Prince Charming viewed a flat.
Unfortunately, Prince Charming wasn't keen on the place but Milly was in ....

So what does Milly do?

Do you remember the dipsy barometer?
It's hit red alert again but this time it's about to blow!!!

How does she plan to do it?
Well she's planning to sell her uber cool loft apartment, and try and find the extra £££

How is she going to find the extra ££££?

Milly's hoping and praying 
Let there be money, and let it shine on me!

OR She finds....

And if you can think of any other money making schemes do let Milly know
(PS We all know that Milly has lost the plot, she does make us laugh!)

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Shrekkie's New Look Unveiled Plus Lot of Laziness

In "Still on Happy Cloud" Milly mentioned the dress that she was designing for her muse Shrekkie.

Well after a week of Cutting, Sewing, Tucking, & Alterations, are you ready for the big unveil?

Let me remind you of Shrekkie before the make-over

Now, drum roll please........
Introducing this season's must have outfit, and part of Milly's pre-fall 2012 collection the alternative shabby chic look
Presenting Shrekkie's new dress....

What do you think?
Okay, admittedly he does look like a choir boy,  all he's missing is a halo and a hymn book (and Milly isn't going to win any design awards anytime soon)

But he looks really cute doesn't he?!

For someone who couldn't even sew, let alone dream of creating a kiddies dress, it's not bad  for a first creation is it?!
Nobody tells you how difficult it is to make clothes
It's quite a complex process

It took Milly over an hour to work out how to cut the pattern and clothes.
You see no one explains the simple stuff.

One hour later.....

After lots of mistakes, Milly managed to work it out!

Then after all of that she had to sew the dress together!

  • Working out how to put the two pieces together so they weren't higgeldy piggeldy
  • Putting in reinforcements around the neck
  • Lining up the dress so it didn't look like a shapeless sack

But she enjoyed it, especially as it meant she got to sew with Magic Bertha!

So let's see how Milly's pre-fall 2012 collection develops.

Learning to Budget:
Well Milly has put together her budget for the month

Asked her Fairy God Father Big G 

(You see he spent so much buying a pair of D&G sun glasses that he is in desperate need to budget this month! - The sunnies do look great though)

Okay, wait for Milly to share her magical pretty spread-sheet with you soon
Although, I am not sure if Big G will want Milly's budgeting advice after hearing her disastrous negotiation pitch....

.....Milly and Prince Charming were looking at a new home, Milly was so excited and happy about the flat that her dipsy button was switched on to the max
Milly's dipsiness levels were so high that they had triggered the red alert button.
Prince Charming should have picked up on the signals ...

  • Gibberish spouting from Milly
  • Milly;s glazed and mute expression
  • Milly's sudden deafness to all reason

Milly torpedoed Prince Charming's negotiation strategy by stating, in front of Mr Estate Agent, that she thought the flat was undervalued, so they should offer the asking price!
Poor Prince Charming he didn't know whether to cry or laugh

Lots of Laziness
Milly has had a very lazy weekend, she has put her feet up and

She's been so rushed off her feet lately trying to balance

That she's been in desperate need of a good CUP of Laziness

So as 

She switched off her go-go button, and relaxed!

Meaning Milly is now ready for the week ahead!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Ask Milly

Hello lovely peeps, just a couple of updates from Milly:

Contact & Ask Milly:
Milly would love to to get to know you better.
So why not contact Milly - (Details on Contacts Page)

Ask Milly:
Milly and the rest of the gang have amassed lots of pearls of wisdom over the years, and they would love to share their collective pearls of wisdom with you.

So as an additional treat, Milly & Friends will be holding 
Sessions - Just think of it as an Agony Aunt.
So whatever your problem, however big or small let Milly and friends help you out

Case Study - Prince Charming's bushy eyebrows
Whenever Prince Charming visits his hairdresser, Mrs Blow Dry & Cut wants to thread his eyebrows!
Now Prince Charming being the lovely chap he is, politely says NO but he doesn't want to keep having the same conversation every time he visits Mrs Blow Dry & Cut

Milly & Friends advised him as follows

You have a number of options.
You can say....that is very thoughtful of you but
  • I am the reigning world record breaker of the hairiest, unkempt eyebrows

  • Mr Bunny Rabbit died and so I am very upset so please just cut my hair - I don't want to talk about it

  • I am a man, and therefore I have a very low pain threshold

  • Milly loves my eyebrows, that is why she is dating me
  • I am losing my hair, so let me be happy with the hair I have on my eyebrows
  • Are you insinuating there is something wrong with my eyebrows? Don't be so bushiest


So if you are would like advice from Milly & Co on any problem, why not contact them 

Page updates:
Milly has updated the Whose Whose, and added a Contacts page.
Please take a look as she thinks you will enjoy the new look and the fun content!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

I've got my Yin and Yang, so How about some HOT YOGA

Get Fit/ Being Healthy:

6 classes completed in 6 days:

As mentioned in her last post, here are Milly's insights on hot yoga:

The Basics:

  • 26 postures - Repeated Twice
Okay one down another 25 to go!
  • Plus 2 breathing exercises
Breathing sounds so obvious doesn't it?

  • Hot room
Am I in the Bahamas?

  • Lasting 90 minutes
Can I have 90  minutes on the clock please




Bums & Tums


No more bad stuff prowling inside my body
And Cellulite and varicose veins (so they say!)
  • Breathing
  • Stretching
  • Pulling

Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

WHO - does it?
Anyone and everyone, there isn't a type!


Although Milly does find it difficult at times, she is noticing the results!

Below is a list of Milly's Key Tips & Insights

#1: Mascara we love but NOT down the face

Don't forget to remove your makeup (unless you are going for the distressed woman who has been crying for hours look!)
Plus it blocks your pores, and so is a feeding ground for zits!

#2: Clothing
It's called hot yoga so make sure you wear as little as possible
Milly wears an old pair of shorts and t-shirt 

#3: Just sit down
You will feel dizzy and sick, if so just sit down and BREATHE.
Think of it as a good sign, you are vanquishing those dastardly TOXINS.

#4: Drink plenty of water
Drink 2-3 litres of water before class
It's a great excuse for hydrating that skin - think silky smooth skin

#5: Take your own towel and water
Milly has saved £3.00 per visit because of this (£24 in total).
Over the 30 day challenge that would be a savings of £90!

#6: Good teacher
Try out different teachers.
Milly likes the funny teacher the best.  
Thanks to him she discovered that if you breathe through your nose you don't breath in farts or bugs!

#7: Alternative to a dating website

Everyone is crammed in uber close, so you get to know your neighbour.
Imagine you don't need to bother getting dolled up if you meet your true love down at hot yoga

#8: Don't forget to smile
There are times Milly would rather not smile but she has found when she smiles forgets about the aches and pains.

Warning - The things you should watch out for:

#9: Pong

Forget smelling of roses or in Milly's case Coco Chanel, you will smell like a pair of rotten socks!

#10: Communal showers (Yikes!)
Milly is distraught at the mention of communal showers:
1) It reminds her of school - She use to make wet footprints on the floor, so that her gym teacher would think she had had a shower!

2) Milly is prudish and doesn't want someone else to see her in her birthday suit
3) Milly never knows where to look Thankfully, Milly lives very close to the studio, and so trots home, wafting her lovely pong over the poor people she passes!

So armed with these insights, Milly hopes you do give it ago. ENJOY!
PS. Don't forget to check the discount websites for a deal ("Learn to budget" page) or check with the studio if they have special trial offers

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Still on Happy Cloud

Milly is still on her Happy Cloud.

Milly's finding that her vision board is helping her to stay focused and motivated.

She's got an extra spring in her step, and oodles of

In fact to Milly's surprise she is more productive at WORK.
Milly's managed to break the whole "ball and chain" cycle, and actually feels in control...for once!

Get Fit / Being Healthy

Hot Yoga 
Milly has managed 3 classes so far this week!
It's still too early to say if she will make the 30 DAY challenge BUT one thing for certain is that the cloud of pong still follows Milly after class

Pong following Milly down a trendy London street

PS Milly is planning to write more on hot yoga for the newbies to this "sport" in her next post.

Milly would like to squeeze in more swimming practice

Visit to The Physio
Milly has finally had her legs waxed from Madam Wax.
No more impersonating a Gorilla - Mr Physio will be very happy

Milly's "fuzz free" leg

Now that's what I call a Happy Chappy

Learn to Sew Make Clothes / Nick Nacks
Milly's started to build up her kit of sewing essentials:
She found this great shop, William Gee on Kingsland Road Dalston, which is uber cheap!
Bless the poor man who was serving her for being so patient with her.....

Milly's list of sewing essentials:

    • Tailors chalk: 
      • Replaces the biro which she was using to mark her material
      • Very cute - She bought one each in pink and white 

    • Needles for hand sewing:
      • Unfortunately she can't use Bertha to sew back buttons or hem her trousers (yet)
    • Measuring tape with metal thing at the top: 
      • The man in the shop mentioned people use the metal thing for something, if Milly can't work out how to use it she will pretend!
    • 2 metres of cloth 
      • Milly uses calico cloth which is cheap and the easy to use for newbies like her
    • Energy supplies
      • Love Haribo
       Sainsburys had a special offer on !
    • Zips
      • Hidden zip and normal one - She plans to practice sewing them together this weekend (zips to the cloth that is)
    She can't wait to make a dress for Shrekkie - Perhaps she can give it a go this weekend (don't forget to buy the dress pattern!)

    Shrekkie before his "make-over"

    Learn to Draw & Write Write a book
    Milly is still editing the first draft of her book, once she has completed the story she will move on to the drawings.
    Milly's in two minds about the drawing side

    Watch this space...

    Learn to Budget
    Milly is really trying to embrace the whole budget idea given she is serious about leaving her job.
    She's found an approach that works for her - Focusing on what she's going to do with the £££ she saves

    Meant she was able to BUY Bertha!

    Have Fun:
    As always, Milly is having fun!

    Until next time, sending you some magic sparkles.